What is Developmental Language Disorder?

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a communication disorder that impacts how a child learns, understands, and uses language in their daily lives. DLD is very common, affecting approximately 1 in 14 children, and emerges in early childhood. This condition can be lifelong, affecting an individual’s ability to read, write, speak, and interact with others into adolescence and even adulthood; however, the severity and symptoms of DLD may change and or improve over time, particularly when diagnosed and treated early.

Common Signs of Developmental Language Disorder:

Children with a DLD may have difficulty with any of the following:

  • expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas
  • organising words into sentences
  • understanding and interacting with others
  • following directions
  • answering questions
  • telling a story
  • recalling information
  • maintaining focus and attention
  • reading and writing

What causes DLD?

DLD is NOT caused by:

  • a medical condition
  • lack of exposure to language
  • learning multiple languages

There is no single cause for DLD, however, there is a higher risk of a child having DLD if a family member also has the disorder.

Is DLD a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

While this disorder shares several similarities and may occur in the presence of other types of disorders, such as ASD, ADHD, intellectual disability (ID) and hearing impairment (HI), DLD is NOT related to these disorders. DLD is a specific disorder that is diagnosed and treated independently by a Speech Pathologist. Additional disorders, like ASD, are taken into consideration but do not necessarily impact the intervention process.

How is Developmental Language Disorder diagnosed?

DLDs are diagnosed by a professional Speech Pathologist, usually around 5 years of age; however, adolescents and even adults can be diagnosed with a DLD.

Diagnosis of a DLD typically involves various assessments of the child’s expressive (speaking) and receptive (understanding) language skills. In addition to conducting a formal clinical assessment, a thorough case history is gathered, including a hearing assessment, family and medical history, and the child’s developmental milestones, such as when and what their first words were. The Speech Pathologist may also ask for observations from parents / caregivers, teachers and or close family members, to gain a greater understanding of the child’s language skills across different settings (e.g., home, school, community). These are all important factors that contribute to understanding the child’s needs and inform how therapy will be conducted.

Early diagnosis and intervention of a DLD often lead to greater outcomes – language, social, and emotional – for the child and their family.

If you would like your child to be assessed for Developmental Language Disorder, contact us today to book an assessment with one of our Speech Pathologists.

How does Developmental Language Disorder affect social development?

Language is at the centre of all social interactions, influencing how we understand and use messages (words, gestures, and body language) to communicate our thoughts feelings and ideas. Children with DLD struggle to appropriately use and interpret these messages, often leading to impaired skills necessary for social development. This is particularly true for preschool and primary school-aged children, who require these skills to:

  • follow directions
  • answer questions
  • ask for help
  • form friendships
  • have conversations
  • understand social “rules”, such as turn taking

As children with DLD struggle to keep up with their peers in both the classroom and playground settings, they are often perceived as “shy” / “withdrawn”, “slow learners”, or sometimes even as “naughty” children. Consequently, they are at a higher risk of social exclusion, by both their peers & their teachers.

Following complex multi-step directions, such as “tuck in your chair, put away your things, grab your hat and sit on the floor”, and instructions involving negatives words like “no”, “don’t”, “not” and “without” can be very confusing for these children. In fact, these directions are often misinterpreted, and the child may incorrectly carry out an activity or simply do nothing.

The process of learning and remembering new names, as well as being able to discuss their ideas and interest with their peers may pose as challenges for these children, impacting their ability to make new friends and interact with their classmates.

If your child has difficulty communicating with others, it is usually due to a delay in speech or language, or sometimes both. So what is the difference?


Speech, also called articulation, is how words are pronounced. Children acquire sounds in a particular order. They also present with difficulties with speech sounds that are normal at certain stages of their development. These difficulties are called phonological processes, and they typically disappear by themselves as children develop skills.

Below is a table of phonological processes, and the age they are typically acquired

ProcessExampleAge Remediated
Voicingpig -> big3.0 years
Word-final devoicingred -> ret3.0 years
Final consonant deletioncup -> cu_3.3 years
Frontingkiss -> tiss
girl -> dirl
3.6 years
Assimilationdog -> gog3.9 years
Weak syllable deletionbanana -> _nana4.0 years
Cluster reductionsnake -> _nake4.0 years
Glidingrabbit -> wabbit5.0 years
Stopping/f/ fish -> tish
/s/ sock -> tock
/v/ van -> ban
/z/ zip -> dip
/sh/ sheep -> teep
/j/ jump -> dump
/ch/ chip -> tip
/th/ this -> dis
3.0 years

3.6 years

4.6 years

8.0-8.6 years
(Caroline Bowen, 2011; Kilminster and Laird, 1978).

The following speech sound substitutions are atypical. If your child is presenting with any of these, contact a Speech Pathologist to discuss intervention.

Backingtap -> cap
dad -> gad
Affricationcar –> sar
Initial Consonant Deletionbag -> _ag
Medial Consonant Deletionspider -> spi_er
Vowel errorspig -> peg, apple -> ipple
Collapse to one or minimal sounds‘I want to go there’ -> ‘my mo moo mo mere’

Sometimes children need speech pathology intervention to assist their speech sound development. If you are concerned about your child’s speech skills, contact Harrison Speech Pathology to discuss this further and arrange an initial assessment appointment.


Language is the ability to communicate by sending and receiving messages. It can be separated into two categories, receptive language, and expressive language.

  1. Receptive language is the ability to understand information, both verbally and visually, for example written, picture or gestural form.
  2. Expressive language is the ability to communicate your needs, wants and ideas successfully, via verbal or non-verbal means. Non-verbal expressive language includes body language, gesturing,  using pictures or symbols, writing and sign language.

The following table outlines typical language development

AgeReceptive Language SkillsExpressive Language Skills
12 months• Understand about 10 words
• Respond to their name
• Recognise greetings (hi, bye)
• Recognise a few familiar people and objects
• Make eye contact
• Start to use sounds, gestures and say words
• Continue to babble
• Copy different sounds and noises
18 months• Understand up to 50 words and some short phrases
• Follow simple instructions
• Point to familiar objects when named
• Point to some pictures in books
• Say 6-20 single words
• Copy lots of words and noises
• Name a few body parts
• Use objects in pretend play
2 years• Follow simple two part instructions
• Respond to simple ‘wh’ questions (eg: ‘what’ and ‘where’)
• Point to body parts and pictures in books when named
• Understand ‘in’ and ‘on’
• Say more than 50 single words
• Put two words together (eg: bye mum)
• Use tone of voice to ask a question
• Start to use ‘mine’ and ‘my’
3 years• Follow more complex two part instructions
• Understand simple ‘wh’ questions (eg: ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘who’)
• Understand ‘same’ and ‘different’
• Sort items into groups when asked (eg: food vs animals)
• Recognise basic colours
• Say four to five words in a sentence
• Use a variety of words for names, actions, locations and descriptions
• Ask questions using ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘who’
• Talk about something in the past
• Have a conversation but may not take turns or stay on topic
4 years• Answer most questions about daily tasks
• Understand most ‘wh’ questions, including those about a story they have recently heard
• Understand some numbers
• Show awareness that some words start or finish with the same sounds
• Use words such as ‘and’ ‘but’ and ‘because’ to make longer sentences
• Describe recent events
• Ask lots of questions
• Use pronouns (eg: ‘he’/’she’ ‘me’/’you’ and negotiations (eg: ‘don’t’ ‘can’t’)
• Count to five and name a few colours
5 years• Follow three part instructions
• Understand time related words (eg: ‘before’ ‘after’ ‘now’ ‘later’
• Start thinking about the meaning of words
• Understand instructions without stopping to listen
• Begin to recognise some letters, sounds and numbers
• Use well formed sentences understood by most people
• Take turns in longer conversations
• Tell simple stories with beginning, middle and end
• Use past and future verbs correctly (eg: ‘went’ ‘will go’)
(Speech Pathology Australia, 2020)

If your child is not meeting these milestones, contact Harrison Speech Pathology to discuss their language development and arrange an initial assessment appointment.

Speech is the ability to use and coordinate your lips, tongue and mouth to make sounds. Children learn to use these sounds and how to put them together in words.

They develop from the time a child starts using words until the early years at school.

Speech Sound Development

Speech Pathologists are often asked questions about the typical age of speech sound development. Children acquire sounds in a specific order at certain ages.

Most children develop the following sounds at the ages below:

  • 3 years old – /m, n, p, b, ng, w, h, d, t, y, g, k, f/
  • 4-5 years old – /f, l, sh, ch, s, z, j/ and sound clusters e.g. /sl, sn, bl/
  • 6 years old – /r, l, v/
  • 8 years old – /th/

Speech Intelligibility

Some children can have trouble saying sounds clearly which might make them hard to understand. Children’s speech generally gets easier to understand as they get older.

While children develop at individual rates, there is a general pattern to children’s sound development. The following ages are based on percentages of speech typically understood by family members:

  • 5 years old – 25% of speech is understood
  • 2-3 years old – 50% of speech is understood
  • 4 years old – 100% of speech is understood

Speech Sound Difficulties 

Speech difficulties may be present when children have persistent difficulties saying words or sounds correctly. A speech sound delay is when sound errors or substitutions that are typical in development are occurring later than expected. A speech disorder describes errors that occur that are unusual sound errors or error patterns.

Speech delays can affect a child’s communication in many environments, their confidence, and interactions with peers, teachers and family. As children reach school-age, speech delays can impact their ability to learn to read and write.

It is important to seek advice from a Speech Pathologist if you are concerned about your child’s speech as it is essential to begin intervention as soon as possible.

 How can I help my child?

There are many strategies to assist your child in developing their speech.

  • Show your child that you are interested in what they say, not how they say it.
  • Provide lots of modelling – watching or hearing someone demonstrate a new skill is very important to learning.
  • Get face to face with them so that they can watch the way you say words
  • Use technology, games and their hobbies. This is particularly beneficial to older children to increase their motivation to learn and also improve retainment of the skill.

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech sound development, please do not hesitate to call Harrison Speech Pathology and speak directly to one of our trained therapists.

Most people already breathe this way when they are relaxed. However, a lot of people take shallow breaths that do not engage the diaphragm very much. Diaphragmatic breathing uses the muscle called the diaphragm, which sits at the base of the lungs. When the body inhales, the diaphragm contracts and moves down. As the breath enters the lungs, the air pulls the lungs down expanding the ribs. The diaphragm then moves down and away from the spine. This is to allow the lungs to expand in all directions to increase capacity. As the body exhales, the diaphragm, the lungs, and the ribs relax back to their original shape. However, when tension or stress occurs in the body breathing becomes shallow only using a small proportion of the lungs and therefore failing to engage the diaphragm. This can be seen through the rise and fall of a person’s shoulders during breathing. This is called Clavicular or chest breathing.

Who should use diaphragmatic breathing

Everyone. Diaphragmatic breathing is crucial for every person who uses their voice. Especially, occupational voice users such as singers, teachers, childcare workers, call Centre workers, actors, media presenters, barristers, etc. These populations are most at risk of developing voice problems.

Why is breathing with your diaphragm so important?

Diaphragmatic breathing is essential for producing a strong, effective, and efficient voice. Our voice is integral to communication. It is expressive and can convey so much meaning. Our voices can tell others a lot about how we are feeling, who we are, and our physical and emotional health. When we use diaphragmatic breathing there is enough air to pass smoothly through our vocal folds without overusing any other muscles. This limits your muscles from getting tense and trying to force the air out, creating strained and weak vocalisations.

How do I breathe with my diaphragm?

  1. Make sure you are sitting or lying in a comfortable position
  2. Relax your shoulders
  3. Put one hand on your chest and the other hand on your stomach
  4. Breathe through your nose. You should notice the air moving from your nostrils to your abdomen, making your stomach (diaphragm) expand.  Your chest should remain relatively still.
  5. Purse your lips, as if you are drinking through a straw and exhale tightening your stomach muscle, slowly noticing your stomach (diaphragm) moving downward.

Diaphragmatic breathing is not always useful as a stand-alone treatment for voice disorders.

If you or your child are having any voice difficulties speech pathology assessment and intervention is recommended. Please do not hesitate to call Harrison Speech Pathology and speak directly to one of our trained therapists.


Image: Pexels

A tongue-tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is when the tongue is anchored to the bottom of the mouth restricting movement. This may mean the tip of the tongue cannot poke out past a person’s lips or when their mouth is open they may have difficulty touching the roof of their mouth.  Sometimes, when a person with a tongue-tie pokes out their tongue, the tongue will form a “w” or heart-shape.

What are the effects of a tongue-tie?

A lot of children with a tongue-tie have no speech issues.  This is because a lot of the sounds in English are made with the tongue tip (s, d, n) and can be produced with a slight movement of the tongue.  Sounds where the tongue needs to move more (l, r and th) can still be articulated clearly with reduced movement. 

Speech issues and tongue-tie are most common in children and therefore, it is not surprising that the two may co-occur.  However, this does not mean that a child’s speech delay is caused by their tongue-tie.

How can a speech pathologist help?

A speech pathologist can examine and evaluate the functional impact of a tongue-tie on individuals. 

This includes:

 When should surgery for tongue-tie be considered?

At birth, babies should be assessed to determine their ability to feed and latch.  A Speech Pathologist and/or Lactation Consultant needs to be considered first before surgery.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that tongue-tie surgery will make speech clearer or resolve feeding issues.

Before considering surgery, Speech Pathology Australia recommends considering the following questions:

  • What type of surgery are you doing?
  • What will be the benefits of surgery?
  • What will happen if you don’t do the surgery?
  • Are there any side effects to the surgery?
  • Will an anaesthetic be required?
  • Will pain relief be required after surgery?
  • What is the recovery period after surgery?

If you or your child are having difficulties with speech, or swallowing, speech pathology assessment and intervention is recommended before going ahead with surgery. 

To discuss further or book an appointment, please call Harrison Speech Pathology and speak directly to one of our trained speech pathologists.


The human voice is unique to everyone. Your voice can help express your personality, emotions and even your physical health. Your voice is created by the vocal cords in your voice box (larynx). Our vocal cords open and close as we inhale and exhale to let air in and out of our lungs. Our vocal cords produce sound (voice) when they come together and vibrate as we breathe out. Problems with voice can happen to anyone!

What can cause a voice problem?

Problems with your voice can be caused by one or a combination of factors, such as:

  • Overusing voice (e.g. shouting, talking over loud background noise etc.)
  • Dehydration
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Reflux
  • Chronic Cough
  • Illness/Disease
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Stroke
  • Natural Ageing
  • Smoking 
  • Significant Alcohol consumption

What can I do to help my voice?

There are several things that you can do everyday to ensure you maintain a healthy and natural voice. 

Maintain hydration. Hydration plays a large role in maintaining healthy vocal cords. Drinking plenty of water not only quenches thirst but, also keeps the vocal cords hydrated and moist for effective and efficient voice production. If you are dehydrated, then your vocal cords are dehydrated which may make it difficult to produce a clear and healthy voice. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day can help maintain a healthy voice.

Decrease Alcohol and Caffeine. Decreasing or eliminating the amount of substances containing alcohol and caffeine can also assist in maintaining a healthy voice. Caffeinated or alcoholic substances can dehydrate your body and vocal cords and can also cause your vocal cords to become irritated and sometimes inflamed if a lot of the substance is consumed. 

Decreasing or eliminating smoking. Substances such as tobacco can weaken or damage the respiratory system, which is needed for breathing and a clear, healthy voice. 

Speak in moderation. If you have been using your voice for a long period of time, your voice may begin to get tired and need a rest. Just like if you are running, after a while your body may begin to feel tired and need a rest. If you are required to use your voice frequently for work, try setting aside some realistic rest times throughout the day as much as you can. 

Nose breathing. Breathing through your nose instead of your mouth as much as possible can also help maintain a healthy voice with good breath support. Your nose acts like a filter when we breathe and can filter most environmental pollutants from entering our throat and lungs. 

Some behaviours to AVOID for a clear and healthy voice:

  • Frequent throat clearing – try having a drink of water or swallowing saliva
  • Talking over loud background noise – try turning down the TV or music, walk away from air conditioners 
  • Shouting/Yelling – try waving or whistling to get someone’s attention and move closer to the person 

Signs/Symptoms of voice problems

There are several signs and symptoms to watch out for if you are concerned about your voice. Some of these include:

  • Gradual or sudden changes in the tone/pitch of your voice
  • Gradual or sudden changes in the loudness of your voice
  • Abnormal voice qualities such as, sounding:
    • Strained
    • Breathy
    • Rough
    • Shaky 
  • Having periods of or complete loss of voice
  • Noisy breathing
  • Frequent throat clearing and/or coughing
  • The sensation of having something stuck and/or tightness in your throat
  • Shortness of breath

How can a Speech Pathologist help?

A Speech Pathologist can help in many ways. The treatment approach and techniques will vary for each client. Therapy is individualised to each client depending on their presenting problems and the cause of these problems. If you are concerned about your voice, it is best to see your General Practitioner (GP) or an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist prior to booking a speech pathology appointment. Some voice problems may require medical management by a Specialist or Doctor prior to or in addition to Speech Pathology intervention.

Difficulties articulating speech sounds can impact a person’s confidence expressing themselves and can also impact on their ability to be understood by others. There are a number of ways to help improve and develop speech sound skills for both children and adults.

Practice in front of a mirror or using video. 

One way to help improve your speech or your child’s speech sound skills is to practice the sounds that are difficult in front of a mirror so you can see what your lips and tongue are doing. Taking short video clips of yourself or your child saying difficult sounds is a good way to identify how you are saying them. 

It is a nice interactive way to target those difficult sounds and also a bit of fun! It can also be helpful to associate a sound you or your child is finding difficult with a gesture or movement. For example, if your child is having difficulty with the ‘ch’ sound, doing a pretend sneeze can often stimulate correct production of the ‘ch’ sound (ahh-chooo).

Face to Face Modelling.

An effective method that helps children to feel comfortable, and not pressured into constantly repeating an incorrect sound; is face to face modelling. You may be having a conversation with your son or daughter and hear them say “wook at the gog”. 

Acknowledge what they have said and repeat it back to them slowly while correctly modelling the speech sounds e.g. “yes, look at the dog”. You may also expand on the sentence they said while focusing on the sounds they had difficulties with e.g. “yes, look at the dog. The dog loves running”. Doing this frequently will help your child hear the sound correctly modelled many times during your interaction.

Singing Songs.

Singing is such a great way to practice speech sounds while also building language skills. Alternating the tones in your voice while you are singing uses a different part of the brain and can help stimulate language and sound learning.

 Songs that have a lot of words with the sound your child is having difficulty with in them, are a great resource. For example, if you are targeting the ‘t’ sound, “twinkle twinkle little star” would be a good song to practice together as it contains multiple ‘t’ sounds at the start, in the middle and at the end of words.

Drawing pictures. 

Drawing pictures of items that start with the sounds that are difficult for your child can also be a fun and engaging way to help improve speech skills. It’s an interactive way to work on the sounds in the words. 

You can also use the pictures to make silly sentences or a short story. Working on the difficult sounds like this is motivating but also allows for the difficult sounds to be targeted while increasing the level of difficulty moving from single words to telling a short story.


Books are fantastic for so many things. Reading books is great for speech and language development and can spark your child’s imaginative thinking. Discussing the pictures and the finer details in the pictures can also be a great way to work on speech sounds your child has difficulty with. 

You can pick images on the page that start or end with challenging sounds. For older children or adults, reading books with a lot of alliterative sentences is a good way to practice difficult sounds. An example of an alliterative sentence may be “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”.

How does Harrison Speech Pathology help children improve their speech skills 

The Speech Pathologists at Harrison Speech Pathology can help you identify what articulation difficulties your child is having through a full speech assessment. 

Once the areas of need are identified, the most appropriate individualised treatment approach and recommendations will be given. This will also include strategies to try outside of the clinic that will be easy to implement into daily life and routines.

Stuttering is a speech fluency disorder where the flow of speech is interrupted. It can impact both adults and children and can be treated at all ages. Treatment for stuttering requires specialist input from a speech pathologist who is trained in a variety of stuttering therapies. The specific therapy used will depend on the individual, their family, and the stutter type.

The Lidcombe Program is commonly used for younger stutters. In this therapy a parent or caregiver is trained to give specific feedback for smooth and stuttered speech. This therapy does not change the speaking pattern of the child. Syllable Timed Speech and Smooth Speech are also common therapies and are more frequently utilized for adolescents and adults. These programs change the person’s speaking pattern to assist them to manage their stutter. Other options include individualised strategies to manage stuttered moments, assistance and alternative technology (AAC), and a combination of approaches.

How to recognise a stutter in a toddler or small child

Stuttering behaviours interrupt the flow of speech even though the person knows exactly what they want to say. There are different types of stutter behaviours such as:

  • Repetition: when someone repeats a sound or syllable of a word e.g. “w-w-we went to the park”, “we-we-we went to the park”
  • Prolongations: when a sound is lengthened e.g. “sssssssee the ducks”
  • Blocks: when no sound comes up e.g. “the (pause) ball is over there”
  • These may be accompanied by excessive blinking, the mouth and face looking stuck in a position, twitching of facial features or lots of fillers such as ‘um’ and ‘ah’.

A mild stutter may occur between ages 2 and 3 as the child has a large increase in their language. At times this goes away without therapy, however in some children it gets worse or does not go away. Stutters most commonly occur without a known cause, however they can be acquired due to a brain injury. They may vary in their severity on a daily basis and tend to worsen when the person is tired or upset.

What do I do if my child has a stutter?

If your child develops a stutter that persists from more than 3 months, please contact a speech pathologist. They will provide you with information and strategies specific to the individual. It is best not to comment on the stutter until you have gained individualised advice from a speech pathologist. Commenting can bring unwanted attention on the child causing them to withdraw and reduce their communication. It can also negatively affect therapy. This includes avoiding telling the child to slow down or think about what they want to say.

If your child is frustrated by their stutter you can say “It’s okay. I’m still listening. Keep going”. Getting down to your child’s eye level is a great way to show them that you are interested in their communication message. Always allow your child the time to say their message and avoid finishing off words or sentences for them. You can also reduce background noise, such as turning off televisions, to help them be understood. 

How does Harrison Speech Pathology treat children with a stuttering issue?

All therapists at Harrison Speech Pathology are trained and experienced in stuttering. The therapist will first see the parent and child for an initial appointment. During this time the therapist will get an in-depth case history and observe the child during play to determine the stutter type and most appropriate treatment approach. Therapy will then be tailored to the child and family’s lifestyle. The therapist will work directly with the family to train them in the selected therapy approach.

Stuttering therapy is tailored to the individual and most commonly completed within play to ensure the child is engaged and enjoys practicing. Home practice is common, and the therapist will guide the family in activities which are suited to their individual routines and easily implemented at home. 

Sometimes it is hard to find time to do homework while working around other commitments with your kids.

In the car is a perfect time for busy families. We spend a lot of time in the car and it is a great opportunity to use that time to work on their speech and language while encouraging positive and motivating interactions.

Below are some ideas to try in the car to maximise your time


I-Spy is often a favourite road trip game to play in the car. It is also a fantastic game that helps promote speech and language skills as it can be adapted to suit both young and older children. It is a great game for developing vocabulary, describing skills, categorisation, sentence structure, understanding and use of prepositions and many more.

For younger children, labelling items outside the car is a great way to build vocabulary and identifying features of the item such as colour, shape and size.

For older children, describing items outside the car is a great way to build sentence structure, use of appropriate grammar and describing skills.

Creative Stories

Another favourite is creating stories. It is fantastic for turn-taking skills, creative and flexible thinking, sentence structure, use of grammar and sequencing events. It can be adapted for younger and older children and it a great way to engage and motivate children in speech and language-based activities.

Playing an adapted game of Chinese Whispers is a great way to get everyone involved without too much pressure to create a whole story. Someone can start the story with a sentence, then the next person can add another sentence onto that one until you end up creating an imaginative story.

Younger children may need some prompts and cues. It can also be fun to audio record the story so you can go back and listen to it later for a laugh and to provide feedback on your child’s speech and language use.


Singing is beneficial in so many ways. It is a great way of encouraging changes in tone of voice, engagement, language use and articulation of speech sounds. Alternating the tones in voice helps adults and children remember certain words and their meanings.

For younger children, singing nursery rhymes and ABC’s is a great way for developing and remembering knowledge of words and concepts.

For older children, singing a family favourite song is great for encouraging participation, sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary development.

What types of exercises do Harrison Speech Path provide for at home? 

The therapists at Harrison Speech Pathology will give specific exercises for your child based on their needs. Exercises will always be individualised for engagement and motivation. Exercises are kept simple and fun for you and your child to ensure the exercises are not seen as an effort to complete.

For example, if your child is having difficulty with sentence structure and describing skills, playing games such as charades (using pictures of familiar items/objects) is a fun and engaging way to encourage the development of these skills and can be fun for the whole family.


Image: Pexel

If your child has a speech or language delay, contact a Speech Pathologist as soon as you can. It is important to begin intervention as soon as possible to gain better results from therapy and allow children to fully participate in daily interactions and experiences.

What is a speech and language delay?

Children acquire sounds in a specific order at certain ages, and they also substitute sounds for other sounds until certain ages. For example, pronounce ‘ring’ and ‘wing’ until around 5 years of age. A speech delay is when the sounds that a child is producing are not as expected for their age.

Language is separated into two components. Receptive language is the comprehension of written and oral information. Expressive language is the use of language, for example writing or talking. A language delay may involve either receptive language, expressive language or both. A language delay is when the child’s skills are not at the expected level for their age, but are following the usual pattern of development.

Should I contact my child’s doctor or a speech pathologist first?

If you suspect your child has a speech or language delay, you may choose to discuss it with your doctor prior to seeking a Speech Pathologist. However, it is not necessary to acquire a referral from your Doctor to make an appointment to see a Speech Pathologist.

Should I be worried if my child has a speech delay?

Speech delays can affect a child’s communication in many environments, their confidence, and interactions with peers, teachers and family. As children reach school-age, speech delays can impact their ability to learn to read and write.

It is important to seek advice from a Speech Pathologist if you are concerned about your child’s speech as is essential to begin intervention as soon as possible.

How do I prevent speech and language delays in my toddler?

Reading books and singing with your child from an early age will allow them to be exposed to language. Research suggests reading books to children from as young as 4 months old.

Playing with your child and talking about their environment and what they are doing during routines (for example, brushing teeth, having a bath) is also a fundamental step to developing speech and language.

Model the correct pronunciations of all words so as the child develops, they hear the correct sounds to use. Give your child time to think about what you have said and to respond.

Praise any attempt that your child makes to communicate.

If you are concerned about your child’s speech or language development, get in touch with our team today.

Harrison Speech Pathology helps children in the Newcastle region with speech and language delays

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